Report it!
Fix My Street
FixMyStreet is a website that allows you to report, view, or discuss local problems - like graffiti, fly tipping, broken paving slabs, or street lighting - to the council. Enter a postcode, or street name and area and it will be forwarded to the Council. On the website you can also see other reports in the area.
East Oxford Report it!
East Oxford Report It is a community initiative helping us to report problems and increase the information available to those that can sort these out and to focus resources where they are most needed.
The Police, Brookes University and the City Councils are among those supporting the initiative. Areas include: traffic, roads and pathways,rough sleeping, noise and other anti-social behaviour, criminal behaviour and drugs activity, rubbish and environment, student behaviour, houses and property
You can contact city and county councillors for Iffley Fields (St Mary’s) through the site.